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Rebalance your hormones, naturally.

a woman with long blonde hair is wearing a black tank top

If you want to understand your body -

If you want to feel healthier without extremes or deprivation -

If you want access to a credible professional –

You’re in the right place.

best Austin dietitian nutritionist

I didn't always feel this good.

I struggled to drag myself out of bed every morning. I was exhausted, couldn’t focus, and my skin was broken out and inflamed. I battled bloating no matter what I ate, and I was moody and anxious on a daily basis.

My hormones were a wreck - I didn’t recognize myself and thought I'd never feel better.

Then I experienced the healing power of functional medicine.

Now I've helped hundreds of others do the same.

Functional medicine is a whole-body approach that allows you to heal from the inside out.

A black and white drawing of a clock with an arrow pointing to the right.

Enjoy sustainable solutions instead of quick fixes that don't last.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Address the root causes of your symptoms so you can actually heal.

A black and white drawing of a plate and fork on a white background.

Combine nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes for optimal results.

We would love to help you on your health journey

A black and white drawing of a medal with a ribbon.

Restore Program

Our signature online program.

Easy, step-by-step guidance to rebalance your hormones naturally without extremes.

Try it free for 7 days →

One-on-One Consultations

Comprehensive, targeted support.

Monthly one-on-one Functional Medicine consultations, guided by functional lab testing & analysis.

Learn more & apply →

What Women are Saying

functional wellness women testimonial

“I have more energy, better sleep, and I feel stronger. It feels amazing. I signed up for Restore to lose weight and I have, but I have gained so much more."

Jill J

functional wellness women testimonial

"It's a huge relief to know what's going on with my body and have someone by my side who cares for my body as much as I do. I am the healthiest I've ever been and I couldn't be more grateful."

Tynitria P

functional wellness hormone balance women testimonial

“I’ve lost 6 pounds already and it doesn’t even feel like I’ve been trying. I’m fired up and focused for the first time. The investment was more than worth it!”

Bria A

functional wellness women testimonial  hormone balance

“It has truly been life changing. This is the BEST investment in my health I have ever made and I am SO thankful to have Taylor guiding me through this!”

Alexis S

Recent Blog Posts

herbs for hormone balance
By Taylor Stolt, RDN, LD, CLT, IFNCP 01 Jul, 2024
Taylor Stolt, Functional Medicine Dietitian and women’s health expert, shares her fifteen favorite herbs for hormone balance and how to incorporate them, plus answers frequently asked questions about using herbs to rebalance your hormones.
Top Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
By Claire Lusignan PT, DPT 21 Jun, 2024
Pelvic floor specialist Claire Lusignan shares the top seven symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction and how to know when it's time to seek support from a professional.
By Taylor Stolt, RDN, LD, CLT, IFNCP 18 Apr, 2024
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects millions of women in the United States. PCOS results in debilitating symptoms, long term complications, and is one of the most common causes of infertility in the US. Sadly, for many women it takes years to finally get a diagnosis. For the women who do get diagnosed, they usually don’t know where to begin when it comes to addressing their PCOS naturally. I’ve worked with so many women who are just told to go on birth control to “fix” their PCOS. Birth control not only doesn’t fix PCOS - it can actually cause more issues! Although PCOS is a complex disorder, nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes can significantly slow its progression and reduce symptoms. In fact, many of my clients with PCOS have been able to put their PCOS in remission naturally. In this article, we’ll cover: What is PCOS? The role of hormones in PCOS Common signs and symptoms of PCOS Root causes of PCOS How to manage PCOS naturally Dietary and lifestyle changes for PCOS Where to go from here 
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