Ready to feel like yourself again? Book your 20 minute discovery call here.
And real answers get you results.
Your practitioner orders tests to get to the bottom of
your specific symptoms.
You receive a lab kit and personalized instructions (including lab locations near you) in the mail.
Your practitioner carefully analyzes results, then reviews findings with you so you understand what they mean.
Your practitioner designs a personalized care plan based on your results so you feel better ASAP.
Our comprehensive bloodwork tests go much deeper than what is run by traditional doctors. This includes over 85 biomarkers for blood sugar stability, inflammation, liver health, stress, essential nutrients, thyroid function, and sex hormones.
Stool testing allows us to analyze what is going on inside of your gut. This includes bacterial imbalance, Candida/yeast overgrowth, parasites, viral pathogens, gut immune function, digestive capability, inflammation, and intestinal permeability aka "leaky gut".
A breath test is the gold standard for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO can be to blame for extreme bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, histamine intolerance, eczema, rosacea and more.
A comprehensive hormone test called DUTCH allows us to get a complete picture of your hormone imbalances. This test allows us to analyze hormone levels, hormone metabolites, methylation pathways, detox pathways, and adrenal function.
Adrenal testing shows how your body produces cortisol throughout the day. Dysfunctional adrenal function can lead to a host of health issues including fatigue, anxiety, sleep difficulties, low thyroid function, sex hormone imbalances, unstable blood sugars, and more.
Genetics make up the baseline "code" by which your body functions. Your genetics influence the way your body responds to certain foods, exercise, and lifestyle changes. 3x4 genetic testing looks at over 134 genes that can affect your metabolism, inflammation, detoxification, weight, fitness, hormones, brain function, and response to diet and supplements.
Additional tests are available including food sensitivity testing, mold testing, and micronutrient testing.
1. Your practitioner will order lab tests at the end of your initial consultation, and you will receive an email with instructions from Rupa the same day.
2. Within 24 hours of your payment, the lab kit will be shipped to you.
3. For bloodwork: You will receive testing instructions via email two days after the kit ships. Rupa will send you options for where you can get labs drawn. The lab will draw your blood and ship the kit off for processing.
For other tests: These are done at home and you will receive a pre-paid shipping bag/box to ship the samples.
4. Results will automatically be released to your practitioner, and you will review your results in a session together after your practitioner has analyzed them.
Nope! We do not mark up the labs. Instead, we pass along wholesale practitioner pricing to make the tests as affordable as possible.
Most clients spend $350 - $650 on testing over the course of their 5 month initial package.
We order a comprehensive blood test with over 85 biomarkers for all of our clients, and this runs around $350.
Other tests are recommended on a case-by-case basis and can range from $300 to $450 per test.
There is a 3 month payment plan option at no additional cost.
Yes! You can pay for your order using all major credit cards, debit cards, and HSA or FSA cards.
At this time, insurance reimbursement is not available for these tests.
However, our testing options are significantly more affordable than what is typically billed through insurance.
Our bloodwork panel, for example, could cost thousands of dollars if billed through insurance.
By offering these tests directly, we make them more affordable and accessible, so you can get the health insights you need without the high costs of insurance billing.
We share results with you as soon as we review them with you in a session and explain your findings.